In the last 2 years "near me" searches for home services such as roofers, plumbers and general builders have increased by 900%.
As a home service business owner, here's some other stats you should know.
46% of all searches on Google are now looking for local services
48% of consumers only pay attention to reviews written within the past 2 weeks
97% of search engine users have searched for local businesses
88% of people who do a local search call the business within 24 hours
86% of Google Maps customers are looking for local businesses
As a local business you require 3 things online to generate more quote requests for your business.
Hard Hat Digital is a blend of organic visibility, online authority, and online reputation.
Bottom line:
Your business dominates the "near me" searches in your town or city and you get a steady flow of hot enquiries: Guaranteed
Too often, home service companies invest in decent marketing campaigns but fail to capitalise on this by directing potential customers to substandard websites.
We craft websites that foster trust and feature clear calls-to-action, including enquiry forms and 'click to call' buttons, strategically placed for maximum user engagement.
As well as a website, we optimise and manage your Google Business Profile (GBP) so your business has two ways to show up and rank on Google.
A correctly optimised GBP will bring in a consistent flow of quote requests for your business.
You need consistency to build online authority.
We create your website ensuring it will be Google approved, mobile friendly and that it accurately reflects your location information, hours of operation, and service descriptions.
We get you listed and then manage your business profile on several popular UK business directories to build both authority and trust.
We then actively monitor your information to ensure that it is always consistent and authoritative everywhere your business is listed online.
This is often the most overlooked part of online marketing within the home service trades.
If you sign up for our Premium package, we include our review management services.
We use our own automated systems together with AI to both ask for reviews and to reply to them within a timely manner.
Replying builds trust with your potential clients, as well as improving your website search engine rankings.
A Local Consumer Review Survey discovered that 89% of consumers read businesses' responses to reviews. A thoughtful and professional response to a negative review can positively influence potential customers' perception of the business, showing that the company cares about its clients and is proactive in addressing their concerns.
Just complete the form below and I'll personally call you back for a no pressure chat
My name is Adrian Calow, and I founded Hard Hat Digital specifically to help home service businesses land local clients without feeling like they're gambling their money with garden-variety web agencies.
We provide systems as a service that laser focus on the requirements of home service businesses such as roofing contractors, gardeners, plasterers, plumbers, electricians and general builders.
If you want to increase your visibility, build trust within your community, and differentiate your business from the competition, even if they’ve been around years longer than you have, this is for you.
As a business owner myself, I know that it is important to get fast results. I also know that you don’t have the time to stay at the cutting edge of everything that's constantly changing in the world of digital marketing.
That's why we offer a total hands free service.
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